Snowstalker Tuskent

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Snowstalker Tuskent
(Clavipedivenator nixungula)
Main image of Snowstalker Tuskent
Species is extant.
CreatorNergali Other
HabitatFermi Polar Beach, Fermi Tundra
Size85 cm long
Primary MobilityUnknown
SupportEndoskeleton (Jointed Wood)
DietOmnivore (Climbing Korrybug, Pudgy Ketter, Bloody Nose Cotingo, Ringtailed Ketter, Krugg, Weavesnapper, Pudglyn, Violet Cadovermi, Leafcutter Krugg, Spiked Krugg, Egg Krugg, Scaled Diveskunik, Shellear, Spiny Wrigum, Farmphibian, Rolling Flune, Squat Limbless, Purple Phlock, Bloodskin Skywatcher, Ringtail Limbless, Shortfaced Thornback, Voracious Anklebiter Thornback, Thumbwalker, juvenile Spinebacked Probeface, juvenile Velocidohve, Cryorasher, Blubber Flapper, Snapperky, Billdeka, Duramboar, Shorelance, Cryocanon, Segmented Carnofern leaves, Dome Crystal, Fruiting Glog fruit, Minikruggs, Vermees, Scuttlers, Cryobowls), Scavenger
RespirationActive (Lungs)
ReproductionSexual, Two Sexes, Live Birth
Phytozoa (info)
Chloropodia (info)
Phyllauria (info)
Xylodonta (info)
Clavipedivenator nixungula

When the end came for the Tripodicians on Sagan IV, so too did the world they shaped. Stone pyramids that once towered over the local trees, carved from sturdy mountain rock and adorned in numerous symbols from a now dead proto-language, could not withstand the wear and tear of time as they were buried beneath, no matter how much construction had been dedicated to the moon goddess. Ancient circles of standing stones, once meant to encourage commune with the gods of the stars and their spherical orbs of light, have long since toppled. Fragments of stone tools and spears now lay hidden deep in forgotten caves and beneath permafrost. Primitive fields, once teeming with a potential future of domesticated flora, have long since eroded away and their stock reverted to wild strains. It would seem that, in the end, for all they had achieved, almost nothing remains to remind the world that the Tripodicians once lived there. Save, though, for one thing.

The Genteel Tuskent, who were tamed and domesticated, shaped and bred over generations. Beneath the caring hands of their now gone masters, they thrived in their territories then and even as a great disaster came and went, dooming many specie to the eternal corridors of extinction, they continued to do so. It was the smallest breeds that survived, and it was their descendants that spread across Sagan IV, all the way from northern Drake to southernmost Fermi. Over time, their numbers grew once more, and now the various distinct populations have begun to diverge genetically from one another. The Snowstalker Tuskent is one such example of this.

Native to Fermi island, the Snowstalker Tuskent has adapted to its cooler southern regions, growing a bulkier, more compact frame in order to retain warmth, as well as a more powerful set of jaws for taking down sizable prey. As they rely more upon brute force to take down prey, as well as the aid of their packs, their venomous bites have declined in potency. Just like their ancestors did, they supplement their diets with a wide range of flora. They face competition from such species as the Velocidohves, an apex predator native to the island capable of utilizing pack tactics to rival those of tuskents, as well as the Spinebacked Probeface, whose beak can deliver terrible wounds to vital organs with but a single peck, should they feel threatened.

Packs of Snowstalker Tuskents, a lingering testament to the domestication efforts of the Tripodicians, are led by a dominant female, her mate, and several litters of tusklings of various ages. Old enough members of the pack will often engage in hunting, while younger members will remain in a secluded, secure den both for their own protection as well as to watch over any newborns. Working together, a pack of tuskents can take down prey that are as big or even bigger than themselves - a feat accomplished by delivering crippling bites to limbs and allowing the target of their hunt to bleed out. Upon a successful kill, all members present will consume their fill before bringing back portions to feed the rest of the family. While older offspring will head off on their own after reaching three or so years of age, most packs eventually dissolves upon the death of both of the parents. During these times of disarray, the young will disperse and head out, with successful specimens going on to form new packs of their own. This lifestyle has proven very successful for the Snowstalker Tuskents, and has led to their populations steadily increasing throughout the years.

With the changing climate, combined with the pressures of other large predators native to Fermi island, the Snowstalker Tuskent has ultimately replaced the Genteel Tuskent wherever their two ranges converged.
