Krakow Cellulosebane

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Krakow Cellulosebane
(Letalitholus krakowus)
Main image of Krakow Cellulosebane
Species is extinct.
26/?, unknown cause
CreatorHydromancerx Other
HabitatKrakow Tundra
Size50 cm Tall
Primary MobilityUnknown
DietDetritivore, Photosynthesis
ReproductionAirborne Spores
Letalitholus krakowus

The krakow cellulosebane replaced its ancestor the polar cellulosebane. Like its ancestor it is very deadly. Without any counter microbes to keep it in check it could once again cause a regional extinction. This time on Krakow island.

Like its ancestor it produces "cellulase" which not only restrict the growth of non-crystal flora but dissolves cellulose! Unlike purple flora and black flora, which are made of cellulose, crystal flora is made of photosynthetic chitin on the outside and a red fungus-like cells on the inside thus making them immune to this chemical. In addition, its airborne spores are covered in this chemical. Thus they are fatal to plents who breathe them in, since their bodies are made of cellulose like flora. Each of their crystal branches can open up and release their spores.

The effect of this toxin has caused the following species to become extinct in its range; snow puff, xidhorchia, fruit phlyer, pink phlyer, mini-flower ketter, woolly xenobee, toxplage, toxplage ketter, polar supershroom, polar sunstalk, tundra plyent, bubbleskin, dreidalbulb, tundra orbibom, taloned phlyer, plyent sapshroom, burroskunik, woollycoat, polar spade-leaf, scaled diveskunik, arid ferine, arid sapshroom, needlewing, rosybeak phyler, snow windbulb, trogagon, lummoss, chained basilliphyta, darwin basilliphyta, stoutplage, pudgy ketter, polar quilbil, rolling flune, segmented carnofern, ringtailed ketter, purple phlock, fruiting glog, pudglyn, leafcutter krugg, spiked krugg, tonboswarmer, marine woollycoat, flugwurm and cadovermi.

Living Relatives (click to show/hide)

These are randomly selected, and organized from lowest to highest shared taxon. (This may correspond to similarity more than actual relation)
  • Polar Cellulosebane (genus Letalitholus)
  • Venomerald (family Noxicrystallaceae)
  • Plateland Crystals (order Coelocrystallales)
  • Weeping Baseejie (class Coelocrystalla)